Martin Luther King, Jr.-Service to Others

As I sit back and reflect over the last 10 years, I have realized that our country is so divided.  It is a sad moment to see such division but I do believe we can bounce back from this ugly division and become a better country.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., along with others fought to ensure we all had equal treatment under the laws of this country.

As we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. day on January 18, 2021, I present a challenge to you!  Take the time to think about and find a cause that you believe in and are passionate about, find a local organization that supports your cause, and volunteer for them.  Yes, I said volunteer while we are going through this global pandemic.  Volunteer opportunities are still possible and a lot of communities desperately needed at this time.  The organization I volunteer for is Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands (STSM).  We are able to still provide services to survivors of sexual assault and trauma via the 24-hour hotline and via the network of hospitals through their switchboard operators for those in the hospital setting.  Many organizations have made the necessary adjustments to still help those in need by switching to online support opportunities but many still need hands-on-deck in person.

By volunteering for the organizations of your choice, this small act can and will have a huge impact on the communities they serve and are needed now more than ever with our ever-changing landscape from the Coronavirus pandemic.  So again, I challenge you to take this time to consider volunteering and help those who are a part of a cause you believe in.  By making this simple gesture, you can grow and learn as a person and help bring us one step closer to becoming a less divided country again.

Bedroom Magic

Bedroom, cleaning

We are talking about the cleaner side of things!! How to make your bedroom look like that perfect picture you saw in the Better Homes & Garden magazine or on that awesome post on Pinterest? Easily! Simply make your bed up every day and the magic will happen.  Can it be that simple?  YES! Clients always ask me what can they buy that will help them organize their bedrooms or make them look better.  My first and easiest solution is to ALWAYS make your bed once you get out of it. And boy if you could see some of the looks of confusion I get because no one believes me!  I tell them to do a few test runs over a two week period as most have to adjust their morning schedules a bit to make this work, especially if you have a spouse or significant other who does not get out of bed at the same time as you (adjustments can be made).  The act of making your bed will actually motivate you to straighten your room and over the long run keep it as neat as possible.  How? When you walk into your room and see that your bed is made, it makes you feel good to see a major item in your room looking neat which gives the appearance and feel of cleanliness and this leads to the feeling that the entire room should be like this.

Once the bed is made, you can focus on the nightstands, dresser, that stand/chair in the corner that seems to catch everything you throw at it, even under the bed will get some attention.  Who knows, you may even venture to finally go through your closet!

As with anything I recommend to my clients, always make a list or notes of what you would like the room to look like or how things can be rearranged.  This helps to cut down on frustrations and helps with keeping you focused on the task at hand which should be keeping and making your room look neat and clean.  Give this simple challenge a try as a part of your New Year’s Resolution and you will be amazed at how you MAGICALLY transformed your bedroom into the relaxing zone it was meant to be!  When you give it a try, be sure to leave us any comments on how things are going and we would love to see some before and after pictures.  If you would like help with this task or any other task in your home, do not hesitate to give us a call at 803-999-6806 or email us at and we will be glad to assist you.

Fuel Saving Tips

Fuel saving tips

Now that the country has slowly opened back up after some mandatory quarantine time and our vehicles did not get driven as much, here are a few simple tips that you can use to assist you with getting the most fuel savings for your vehicle.

Whether you travel a lot for work or take the occasional road trip for pleasure or the holidays, keeping your care properly maintained will help you get the best fuel mileage for your vehicle.  

Keep tires inflated to their proper psi level. Don’t just wait for your car’s tire system to notify you that the tire needs air, try to make it a habit to walk around your vehicle and inspect your tires. Constant changes in the temperature do affect your tire pressure so be mindful of this. If it is available in your area, go to a full-service gas station to get the attendant to check your tire pressure for you. You can also go to any tire service center like Wal-Mart, Goodyear, Firestone, Discount Tires, etc. The simple process of keeping your tires properly inflated helps save on your fuel costs.

Keep your oil changed. For older model vehicles the recommended time frame was every 3,000 miles and/or 3 months. However, with today’s more technologically advanced vehicles, you simply need to follow your manufacturer’s timeframe. This simple maintenance service helps to protect your engine which helps with your overall fuel efficiency. Also, at times your air filter has to be changed along with your oil. This is a schedule that will be recommended by the manufacturer. The rule of thumb for older vehicles is every 6,000 miles or every other oil change.

Lighten the load. Many of us either have the trunk of our cars loaded with items we don’t need or use daily or we have the cargo area of the SUV/van full. This adds to the weight which means more pull by the engine which equals more fuel to be used. Take the time to keep only the bare essentials in your trunk or cargo areas.

Keep your tires rotated and balanced. This process plays a key role in your fuel efficiency usage. Again, follow the recommended mileage suggested by the manufacturer of your vehicle and by the tire manufacturer. Also keeping your vehicle in proper alignment helps with fuel usage. In general, alignments can last up to a year and it is based on the road conditions that you travel on a daily. If you feel your vehicle pulling to the left or right, that usually means your alignment has worn off and it is time to get another one done.

Overall, it is best to keep your vehicle properly maintained in order to get the best fuel economy usage from your vehicle.

Fire Safety


DO YOU HAVE A FIRE ESCAPE PLAN FOR YOUR HOME? I hope your answer to this question is yes.  If not, please make one now.  No one ever wants a house fire to happen, but if it does, you will be glad you had an escape plan in place.

IF YOU DO HAVE A FIRE ESCAPE PLAN, WHEN WAS THE LAST DRILL? Practice makes perfect. It is important to periodically practice your fire escape plan, especially for young kids to make sure they know what to do as time is key in your escape plan.  They should be scheduled on your calendar yet be unscheduled when they happen.  Again, quick action is the key to safely escaping.

HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHER? They should be check at least twice per year.  I usually recommend to my family and friends to schedule it with their Spring and Fall cleanings.  This way they are sure to make sure they are full and ready for use in case they are needed.  It is also essential to have the appropriate fire extinguisher. Household fire extinguishers are typically A, B, or C class

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CHECKED YOUR SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS? If you have a smoke detector and/or carbon monoxide detectors in your home, please check the batteries at least twice a year and if you have had them in your home for 5 or more years, please check the expiration date on the back of the detector.  Yes, they have expiration dates which most people do not know.  There should be one on every floor, in the kitchen, garage entrance to your home, in the hallways of all bedrooms.


Kitchen-grease from cooking, grease-covered hood exhaust screens/covers. Keys to preventing a grease fire are to keep clean up any and all grease while cooking and after cooking.  Frequently cleaning the hood exhaust screens and covers, and all cabinets around the stove are key to lessening your chances of having a grease fire.  Small appliances like toasters and toaster ovens can be another source of common kitchen fires.  Be sure to keep them properly cleaned and free of debris.

Laundry room-dryer vent exhaust. The key to prevention is to keep the exhaust line cleaned. The more you use your dryer, the more you need to perform regular maintenance on the exhaust line.

Candles. Never leave them burning while asleep or outside of the home. Always burn them on stable/flat surfaces to prevent them from falling over.

Chimney. The key to avoiding a fire is to keep the chimney cleaned before you start using it or after it has been used for the season. Also keeping the fireplace free of flammable items and debris is a safety component that should be practiced each time you use it.

Space heaters. Never use in an enclosed space. Keep away from flammables.  Try to locate it in an area where if it did start a fire, safe escape is possible.

Bathroom exhaust fans. Keep them free of dust and/or debris.

If you would like further information on how to make your home as fireproof as possible, I would recommend going to the National Fire Protection Association website, American Red Cross, or contacting your local fire station as they do provide free help with fire safety knowledge and prevention.

TIME MANAGEMENT: The Impossible is Possible

Where do I start? How do I start? What products should I use?

What products are the best?

How often should I do this?

How do I find the time in my schedule?

And this is the #1 question I love whenever I am in the cleaning section of any store and I have my work shirt on; What products would you recommend I purchase to get the job done?

My answer is usually, “None of them”! Can you imagine the looks that I get when I say that?!

I am old school when it comes to cleaning and I believe 100% in elbow grease, one good multipurpose/antibacterial cleaner and as chemical/toxic free as possible. I make my own cleaning products to clean my home using essential oils, castile soap, and a few natural/organic products on the market.

Today we want it now, fast and with as little effort as possible. This has a direct impact on how we approach all aspects of life from scheduling activities, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning our homes, etc.

We have become overwhelmed with products that will magically fix our problems and at the end of the day, we just have a house full of half-used products and a bunch of residue left over multiple surfaces in our home. This just adds to the stress of still not being satisfied with our home being clean.

I once had a client ask me how am I able to clean their 2500 sq ft home, run a business, take care of my child with all his needs, keep my home clean, do laundry, and grocery shop?

My response was TIME MANAGEMENT! It is a very simple thing to do if you make certain things in your life a routine and as simple as possible. I am nowhere near perfect and I only have 24 hours in my day like everyone else, the only catch for me is the fact that I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and to stay focused when doing tasks, I must utilize a daily To-Do list. This is my #1 recommendation to keeping a clean home and keeping you focused on staying organized.

So if you are ready to take the “GET MY LIFE IN ORDER” journey with me, let’s get started.

Follow our blogs and learn quick, simple steps and solutions to keep your house clean which in turn helps keep your life a bit less chaotic and organized!

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